Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Amazing Raja Ampat - Wonderful Indonesia

Raja Ampat (Papua - Indonesia) is a tour destination for all reasons to visit. From the highest point in the sky down to the ocean floor, Raja Ampat has the fascinating beauty for everyone. If there is a tour destination you must visit at least once in a lifetime, Raja Ampat is one of them.

World's Last Paradise, this is the name Raja Ampat archipelago is widely known and called today. It may sound an exaggeration, but not for those who have been there. Raja Ampat archipelago consists of a group of large and small islands, strands of coral reefs, mountains, tropical forests, white sandy beaches and varieties of wildlife making Raja Ampat’s landscape an unmatched beauty.

The landscape of Raja Ampat is beautifully crafted like strings of pearls enchanting everyone who sees it. It is really not easy to find the right phrases to describe the beauty. The scenery of Raja Ampat is a natural view which will make your heart tremble, your breath stuck and your skin goose bumps when you look at it. Its beauty will make some of you to shed the tears admiring just how magnificent and merciful Creator giving the natural resources Raja Ampat archipelago.

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